Jacob never deceived Esau

Jacob never deceived Esau,…. do you know that?

Genesis chapter 27 lays forth the entire itinerary that every individual ought to follow. It showcases two great characters and their nature, two great ways that are available for every individual. And the life that they ought to live with when wrong choices were made.

Of course we all know the story but what we ought to know is the backdrop of the story. Instead of saying that, Jacob deceived Esau, it ought to be said, that Esau got deceived.

 It ought to be understood that it was never Jacob’s intentions to deceive Esau. For he was well satisfied with the birthright that he received from Esau. Yes, he did receive the birthright from Esau. In fact, he purchased the birthright from him, and there was no deception involved. 

Of course, one might say, when a brother is hungry the other ought to oblige him, but you see, that can only occur if there is good fellowship between the two. Even the best bonds grow cold when communication is not maintained. And there is also a constant tussle between the two, as to who is better than the other. 

This is ground scenario given the day and age and all the privileges associated belonging to the eldest. So, Jacob ought to survive and thrive, and for this he ought to be on the guard always and looking for opportunities to gain that extra edge. 

The only way he could gain that edge would be to train his wits and become crafty slyly. Having said that, Jacob also knew his limits, and we clearly see that even when his mother proposes this dreadful deed against his brother, Esau, Jacob hesitates. Jacob fears for his father, which conveys his respect for him, and also his brother, Esau, for he doesn’t want to live the rest of his life with this burden of deceiving his blood.

 But Rebekah has other plans. Now we might ask, when both the boys came out of her, then why did she orchestrate this dreadful deed? The answer can be gotten from the rear end of the chapter. 

Clearly Rebekah was not happy with Esau’s choice of his wives. You see, Esau picked  his wives from the daughters of Heth, and we see that there is a mention that Rebekah was never happy with Esau’s choice and that they burdened her heart too much.

It is imperative to note here that daughter in laws can be merciless when it comes to dealing with their mother in laws. Especially given the fact that Rebekah’s race and the Heth’s have disputes and that makes matters even worse.

The experience narrated by Rebekah is more than too common to be seen even in this day and age. There are countless examples when fights between daughter in laws and mother in laws, rip the families apart. 

And for Rebekah to mention this as a burden of great magnitude only goes to mean the level of sufferings she would have suffered all because of Esau’s choice.

Of course the pain inflicted is no easy thing  to pass on, for the hatred that Rebekah hatched was translated and transferred from the her daughter in laws to her son Esau. 

Now according to Rebekah, what would happen if Esau were to be blessed? and more so the very important question that she pondered would have been, does Esau really deserves this Blessing, after the manner of his conduct? 

For no parents wants their children to shoulder them in time of their old age, but at least refrain from causing hate and mayhem to them. But Esau was not even aware of the trouble he had caused by his inability to foresee the consequences of his choices.

When you are so much deprived of your senses then what good it is for you to have all of the Blessings. This probably would have been the train of thoughts that flooded Rebekah’s minds and probably forced her to do the unthinkable. 

So what can we draw from this study? Don’t get your mother wild.